Our ambition
Tony's Open Chain cocoa volume growth is the key driver for change
Sourcing more bean volume through Tony's Open Chain is the biggest driver to achieve lasting change.
Mission Allies
metric tons of beans
which impacted...
cocoa farmers
in 2023/24
In the next 10 years, Tony's Open Chain seeks to reshape industry norms by proving our high-impact model works at scale.
Responsibly sourced cocoa volume is the key driver for change
Tony's Open Chain impact keeps scaling up
Our aim is to accelerate the growth of cocoa volumes we source. Scaling means everyone is better off financially - the farmers and partner cooperatives, as well as Tony's Open Chain Mission Allies.
The success stories amongst Mission Allies and partner cooperatives demonstrate the tangible benefits of signing on to the Tony's Open Chain model. This provokes a shift towards more responsible purchasing practices and creates an enabling environment for sustainable and long-term sector change.